Assembler with LCC-Win32

Primer 3:

Going Naked


Pass A Big One

Return 8 Bytes

Asm Data

Copying with MMX

Using LEA Mult

Compile Asm Files


Going Naked

Earlier we looked at using asm when compiling with the optimise switch on, this required a different approach to gaining access to a functions passed arguments than when compiling normally. 

When using the 'declare special' modifier [naked] it is also necessary to arrange things slightly differently. Like optimised, the naked function has the first argument at offset 4(%esp) just as it was with optimise but another difference is that no epilogue or prologue code is generated by the compiler.

Normally this would mean you would not have a working function because no arguments could be accessed and neither could you return anything to the calling function. However, because we are working in assembler we can do it ourselves. The function below uses the naked keyword in it's declaration -- not only are the args gained from ESP but we also have to explicitly use the instruction 'ret'. Without the _asm("ret") instruction the program flow will be lost and a probable blue screen will be the result.

The function discovers if a floating point value has its sign bit set, if yes it returns 1, if not it returns zero. The value is first loaded onto the FP stack then the fxam instruction is used which examines the value and sets various bits in the FP status register.

The FP status register is stored in AX with fstsw, bit 9 is tested and if there is no carry, jump to label nosign1 where EAX is cleared before being returned. If there is a carry bit, movl $1 into EAX and jump to exit1 where the FP stack is pop-ed and then 'ret' returns us to the calling function which receives the value in EAX.

#include <stdio.h>

int __declspec(naked) sign_bit(double a)
    _asm("fldl 4(%esp)");
    _asm("fstsw %ax");
    _asm("bt $9, %ax");        // check for bit 9 only
    _asm("jnc nosign1");       // positive
    _asm("movl $1, %eax");     // negative (return 1)
    _asm("jmp s_exit1");
    _asm("xorl %eax, %eax");   // clear eax (return 0)
    _asm("fstp %st(0)");       // pop

int main(void)
    double dd = -2.345;
    printf("%d\n", sign_bit(dd));
    return 0;

As there is no epilogue or prologue code generated by the compiler with __declspec(naked) there is no change between optimised and not optimised so it's the best option for asm routines for use with LCC-Win32. A few things need to be taken care of by the programmer however.

For a simple routine one can just pass parameters from the stack as shown above.

int __declspec(naked) sign_bit(double a)
    _asm("fldl 4(%esp)");

For more demanding routines that require local variables one needs to set up one's own stack. A typical way would be to push the frame pointer (EBP) onto the stack (ESP), copy the current stack pointer from the ESP register into the EBP register, and adjust the ESP register which has the current stack-pointer value minus the value required for local variables. Then push various registers onto the stack so that these registers can be used within the routine.

_asm("pushl %ebp");     // EBP onto the stack
_asm("movl %esp,%ebp"); // copy ESP into EBP
_asm("subl $20,%esp");  // make some room for 5 variables on the stack
_asm("pushl %ebx");     // save regs
_asm("pushl %esi");
_asm("pushl %edi");

One can now store values on the stack by mov value, x(%esp)

_asm("movl %edi,4(%esp)");
_asm("movl %edi,8(%esp)");
_asm("movl $128,12(%esp)");

Before exiting the routine one must clean up properly.

Always cleanup in reverse order

_asm("popl %edi");     // restore regs
_asm("popl %esi");
_asm("popl %ebx");
_asm("addl $20,%esp"); // clean up stack
_asm("popl %ebp");     // and pop EBP

This approach can be seen in the cipher code (which has been updated since its original posting) listed on the main assembler page.


If your asm routine does many jumps (loops) some advantage can be gained by aligning labels on an even boundary. For example, open the debugger's 'machine instructions' window and look at the label's address - it might be 4014A1 

The label is not an instruction but only a place marker. The jump address in the following example is where the mov instruction is, which could be on an odd boundary. 

    _asm("movl (%ecx),%eax"); // see the address of this line when looking
                                // in the machine instructions window

The only way at present to effect alignment with lcc-win32 asm code is to pad the instructions with a nop (no operation) instruction. The nop instruction actually takes one cycle of the MPU's time so adding more than one of them to align on a 4 bytes boundary is counter productive. Using one nop to move the label from an odd to an even address does make a difference. With the above example when the mov (or any other) instruction falls on an odd boundary try adding one nop and see the difference.

    _asm("movl (%ecx),%eax"); // new address on an even boundary


Pass A Big One

Although for efficiency one should pass a pointer to a structure you may one day need to pass the whole structure. The example below uses __declspec(naked) so that we are in control of the stack frame and as with normal variables, (their value is passed on the stack) a structure is passed on the stack.

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct{
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;
    int d;
    int e;

STRUCT __declspec(naked) bigone(STRUCT st)
    _asm("pushl %ebp");          // save
    _asm("movl %esp, %ebp");     // copy stack pointer to stack frame

    _asm("pushl %esi");          // save
    _asm("pushl %edi");          // push-ing moves our vars down

    _asm("leal -20(%ebp),%edi"); // make a stack frame enough for 5 ints
    _asm("leal 12(%ebp),%esi");  // load effective address of calling RECT
    _asm("movl $5,%ecx");        // number of loops
    _asm("rep"); //
    _asm("movsl");               // copy 5 ints from stack to frame

    _asm("movl $17, -4(%ebp)");  // 5th member of RECT
    _asm("movl $27, -8(%ebp)");  // 4th member of RECT
    _asm("movl $37, -12(%ebp)"); // 3rd member of RECT
    _asm("movl $47, -16(%ebp)"); // 2nd member of RECT
    _asm("movl $57, -20(%ebp)"); // 1st member of RECT

    _asm("movl 8(%ebp),%edi");   // return stack address
    _asm("leal -20(%ebp),%esi"); // our frame stack
    _asm("movl $5,%ecx");        // 5 ints to copy
    _asm("movsl");               // do it

    _asm("popl %edi");           // clean up
    _asm("popl %esi");
    _asm("popl %ebp");

int main(void)
    STRUCT st1, st2 = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
    st1 = bigone(st2);
    printf ("%d %d %d %d %d \n", st1.a, st1.b, st1.c, st1.d, st1.e);
    return 0;

First EBP is pushed and then the stack pointer (ESP) is copied to EBP. 

ESI & EDI are also pushed as they will be used to copy the struct from the calling stack to our frame stack using the string instruction movsl.

The instruction leal computes the address of EBP -20 and loads that address into EDI, the next leal  instruction computes the address of EBP + 12. 

EBP -20 is our stack frame used to store the struct, EBP + 12 holds the address where the passed struct resides. Mov 5 into ECX so that we copy 5 ints and the instructions rep & movsl will do the copying.

Then a few movl instructions change the values in the struct members, next we have to copy the struct back to the return stack. The address for the return stack is at 8(%ebp) and our stack is at -20(%ebp), rep & movsl will do the copying.

Look in the debug CPU windows to see how the stack changes as you step through each assembler line.

Return 8 Bytes

The following example shows this by adding two long longs and returning the 8 byte integer in EAX & EDX

#include <stdio.h>

long long __declspec(naked) add_ll(long long x, long long y)
    _asm("movl 4(%esp), %eax");     // low-part of x
    _asm("movl 8(%esp), %edx");     // high-part of x
    _asm("addl 12(%esp), %eax");    // add the two low-parts
    _asm("addl 16(%esp), %edx");    // add the two high-parts
    _asm("cmpl 4(%esp),%eax");      // if low part has overflowed inc high part
    _asm("jb lower");
    _asm("jmp exit");
    _asm("incl %edx");
    _asm("ret");                // combined answer in EAX & EDX

int main(void)
    long long a = 0x0000002080000001L, b = 0x0000002090000001L;
    xprintf("%.16llx\n", add_ll(a, b));
    return 0;

Asm Data

This is not necessary in a C program but as it can be done here it is. Also you may need to do it with an assembler like NASM one day. The data is stored at the end of this listing, just below the code. Place these data segments outside of functions otherwise it will not work.

#include <stdio.h>

char * __declspec(naked) getstring(void)
    _asm("leal d3, %eax");

long __declspec(naked) getlong(void)
    _asm("leal d1, %ecx");
    _asm("movl (%ecx), %eax");

short __declspec(naked) getshort(void)
    _asm("leal d2, %ecx");
    _asm("movw (%ecx), %eax");

int main(void)
    printf("%s\n", getstring());
    printf("%x\n", getlong());
    printf("%x\n", getshort());
    return 0;

// Here is the data stored as you would in an assembler.

_asm(".data");      // marks the data area
_asm(".align 2");   // padding that ensures an even boundary for the data
_asm("d1:");        // label that enables accessing the data
    _asm(".long 0x3409820");
_asm(".align 2");
    _asm(".short 0x20");
    _asm(".byte 83,111,109,109,101,114,116,105,109,101,0"); // null terminated string


Copying with MMX

You can copy memory faster than the run time libraries memcpy() if your memory size is a multiple of 64 with the following routine. MMX registers are 8 bytes wide but one cannot copy from memory to memory. First load 8 bytes into an MXX register and then store it in memory from that register.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <intrinsics.h>
#include <string.h>

int __declspec(naked) mov8quad(char * dest, char * src, int n8Quads)
    _asm("pushl %edi");

    _asm("movl 8(%esp),%edi");          // dest
    _asm("movl 12(%esp),%edx");         // src
    _asm("movl 16(%esp),%ecx");         // total number of bytes / 64

    _asm("xorl %eax, %eax");            // clear eax
    _asm("jecxz end");                  // jump to end if finished
    _asm("dec %ecx");
    _asm("movq 0(%edx,%eax),%mm0");     // load each 64 bytes from source
    _asm("movq 8(%edx,%eax),%mm1");
    _asm("movq 16(%edx,%eax),%mm2");
    _asm("movq 24(%edx,%eax),%mm3");
    _asm("movq 32(%edx,%eax),%mm4");
    _asm("movq 40(%edx,%eax),%mm5");
    _asm("movq 48(%edx,%eax),%mm6");
    _asm("movq 56(%edx,%eax),%mm7");
    _asm("movq %mm0,0(%edi,%eax)");     // store each 64 bytes at dest
    _asm("movq %mm1,8(%edi,%eax)");
    _asm("movq %mm2,16(%edi,%eax)");
    _asm("movq %mm3,24(%edi,%eax)");
    _asm("movq %mm4,32(%edi,%eax)");
    _asm("movq %mm5,40(%edi,%eax)");
    _asm("movq %mm6,48(%edi,%eax)");
    _asm("movq %mm7,56(%edi,%eax)");
    _asm("addl $64,%eax");              // 64 bytes copied each loop
    _asm("jmp start");

    _asm("popl %edi");
    _asm("emms");                       // required to reset registers

int main(void)
    long long t2,t1,t0;
    char * x = malloc(0x8000);
    char * y = malloc(0x8000);
    int i;

    t2 = 0;
    for(i = 0; i<1000; i++){
        t0 = _rdtsc();
        memcpy(y, x, 0x8000);
        t1 = _rdtsc();
        t2 += t1 - t0;
    xprintf("cycles for memcpy %lld\n", t2/i);

    t2 = 0;
    for(i = 0; i<1000; i++){
        t0 = _rdtsc();
        mov8quad(y, x, 0x200); // divide num bytes by 64
        t1 = _rdtsc();
        t2 += t1 - t0;
    xprintf("cycles for mov8quad %lld\n", t2/i);

    return 0;


Using LEA Mult

The asm instruction LEA can be used for fast additions + multiply.

    _asm("movl 4(%esp), %edx");        // base into edx
    _asm("movl 8(%esp), %ecx");        // index into ecx
    _asm("leal (%edx,%ecx,4), %eax");  // base + (index * 4) into eax

This is particularly useful when calculating offsets for arrays but can equally be used for normal calculations. LEA (load effective address) does not access memory it only calculates.

Here's some examples.

_asm("leal (%eax,%eax,2),%eax");   // 3*eax

_asm("leal (%eax,%eax,8),%eax");   // 9*eax

_asm("leal (%ecx,%eax,8),%eax");   // (8*eax) + ecx

_asm("leal (%eax,%eax,8),%eax");   // 9*eax
_asm("shll $2,%eax");              // 18*eax

Using this method to multiply numbers is much faster than using MUL.

In primer1 I showed certain differences between the Intel syntax and AT&T's syntax, here are some more instructions that show the differences between the two.

Intel Syntax

inst   [base+index*scale+disp]
mov    eax,[ebx+20h]
add    eax,[ebx+ecx*2h
lea    eax,[ebx+ecx]
sub    eax,[ebx+ecx*4h-20h]
AT&T Syntax

inst   disp(base,index,scale)
movl   0x20(%ebx),%eax
addl   (%ebx,%ecx,0x2),%eax
leal   (%ebx,%ecx),%eax
subl   -0x20(%ebx,%ecx,0x4),%eax


Compile Asm Files

As of the 7th Sep 2002 one can compile assembler as an *.asm file with LCC-Win32. 

Copy these two functions (see below) and create a file called something.asm. Add the file to your project and compile - you of course will need the prototypes somewhere the compiler can see them. 

Unfortunately the debugger does not extend to working with asm files yet, maybe one day it will.

Note: Comments at the top of the code can be created with one semi-colon, comments within the body of code need two semi-colons.

; Prototypes for mem_cpy & mem_set
; void mem_cpy(void * dest, void * src, size_t nBytes);
; void mem_set(void * dest, int set, size_t nBytes);
.type _mem_cpy,function
    pushl %edi
    pushl %esi
    movl 12(%esp),%edi ;; dest
    movl 16(%esp),%esi ;; src
    cmpl $16,20(%esp)
    jl l8check
    movl %esi,%ecx
    andl $7, %ecx
    jpo l64check
    movl $8,%eax
    subl %ecx,%eax
    movl %eax,%ecx

    movl 20(%esp),%ecx
    shrl $6,%ecx
    movl %ecx,%eax
    jecxz l32check
    shll $6,%eax
    subl %eax,20(%esp)

    jecxz l32check
    decl %ecx
    movq 0(%esi),%mm0
    movq 8(%esi),%mm1
    movq 16(%esi),%mm2
    movq 24(%esi),%mm3
    movq 32(%esi),%mm4
    movq 40(%esi),%mm5
    movq 48(%esi),%mm6
    movq 56(%esi),%mm7
    movq %mm0,0(%edi)
    movq %mm1,8(%edi)
    movq %mm2,16(%edi)
    movq %mm3,24(%edi)
    movq %mm4,32(%edi)
    movq %mm5,40(%edi)
    movq %mm6,48(%edi)
    movq %mm7,56(%edi)
    addl $64,%esi
    addl $64,%edi
    jmp l64

    movl 20(%esp),%ecx
    shrl $5,%ecx
    movl %ecx,%eax
    jecxz l16check
    shll $5,%eax
    subl %eax,20(%esp)
    decl %ecx
    movq 0(%esi),%mm0
    movq 8(%esi),%mm1
    movq 16(%esi),%mm2
    movq 24(%esi),%mm3
    movq %mm0,0(%edi)
    movq %mm1,8(%edi)
    movq %mm2,16(%edi)
    movq %mm3,24(%edi)
    addl $32,%esi
    addl $32,%edi

    movl 20(%esp),%ecx
    shrl $4,%ecx
    movl %ecx,%eax
    jecxz l8check
    shll $4,%eax
    subl %eax,20(%esp)
    decl %ecx
    movq 0(%esi),%mm0
    movq 8(%esi),%mm1
    movq %mm0,0(%edi)
    movq %mm1,8(%edi)
    addl $16,%esi
    addl $16,%edi

    movl 20(%esp),%ecx
    jecxz end

    popl %esi
    popl %edi
    .globl _mem_cpy

; void mem_set(void * dest, int set, size_t nBytes);
.type _mem_set,function
    pushl %edi
    pushl %ebx
    movl 12(%esp),%edi
    movl 16(%esp),%ebx
    cmpl $16, 20(%esp)
    jl L8check

    andl $0x000000ff,%ebx
    movl %ebx,%ecx
    shll $8,%ebx
    orl %ecx,%ebx
    movl %ebx,%ecx
    shll $16,%ebx
    orl %ecx,%ebx

    movl 20(%esp),%eax
    movl %ebx,16(%esp)
    movl %ebx,20(%esp)
    movq 16(%esp),%mm0
    movl %eax,20(%esp)

    movl %edi,%ecx
    andl $7, %ecx
    jpo L64check
    movl $8,%eax
    subl %ecx,%eax
    movl %eax,%ecx
    subl %ecx,20(%esp) ;; adjust total number of bytes

    movb %bx, (%edi)
    inc %edi
    decl %ecx
    cmp $0,%ecx
    jne align

    movl 20(%esp),%ecx
    shrl $6,%ecx
    movl %ecx,%eax
    jecxz L32check
    shll $6,%eax
    subl %eax,20(%esp)
    jecxz L32check
    decl %ecx
    movq %mm0,0(%edi)
    movq %mm0,8(%edi)
    movq %mm0,16(%edi)
    movq %mm0,24(%edi)
    movq %mm0,32(%edi)
    movq %mm0,40(%edi)
    movq %mm0,48(%edi)
    movq %mm0,56(%edi)
    addl $64,%edi
    jmp L64

    movl 20(%esp),%ecx
    shrl $5,%ecx
    movl %ecx,%eax
    jecxz L16check
    shll $5,%eax
    subl %eax,20(%esp)

    decl %ecx
    movq %mm0,0(%edi)
    movq %mm0,8(%edi)
    movq %mm0,16(%edi)
    movq %mm0,24(%edi)
    addl $32,%edi

    movl 20(%esp),%ecx
    shrl $4,%ecx
    movl %ecx,%eax
    jecxz L8check
    shll $4,%eax
    subl %eax,20(%esp)

    decl %ecx
    movq %mm0,0(%edi)
    movq %mm0,8(%edi)
    addl $16,%edi

    movl 20(%esp),%ecx
    jecxz end1
    movb %bx, (%edi)
    inc %edi
    decl %ecx
    cmpl $0,%ecx
    jne L8

    popl %ebx
    popl %edi
    .globl _mem_set


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